In November 2016, Toshimaru Nakamura and Mazen Kerbaj met for an informal duo session (their first) at their common friend Yan Jun's studio in Berlin. The recording gear was available, and this album documents the first meeting between two pioneers from the Middle and the Far East (of where?).
1 – East of the Middle-East 16:44
2 – Mild East and Hard East 19:11
3 – West of the Far-East 05:44
Mazen Kerbaj: trumpet
Toshiumaru Nakamura: no-input mixing board
released January 1, 2018
Originally released in CD format on Ftarri
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Toshimaru Nakamura
Recorded at Yan Jun’s studio in Berlin on 14th November 2016
Cover artwork and design by Mazen Kerbaj
All music by Mazen Kerbaj and Toshimaru Nakamura
Trumpeter Mazen Kerbaj, best known for the "A" Trio, meets Japanese no-input mixing board pioneer Toshimaru Nakamura for an insanely energetic duo of squelchy electroacoustic improvisations
From murmuring exchanges of delicate soft sounds to big sonic give and take, this unique and amazing duo album demonstrates the two musicians' superior skill and sensibility.