performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in berlin – 2015 (photo by kai bisnert)
performance in beirut – 2011 (photographer unknonw)
performance in deir el qamar – 2010 (photographer unknown)
performance in deir el qamar – 2010 (photographer unknown)
performance in dijon – 2015 (photo by marion boisard)
performance in dijon – 2015 (photo by marion boisard)
performance in dijon – 2015 (photo by marion boisard)
performance in dijon – 2015 (photo by marion boisard)
performance in dijon – 2015 (photo by marion boisard)
performance in brussels – 2010 (photographer unknonw)
performance in brussels – 2010 (photographer unknonw)
Sehnaoui, Elieh and Kerbaj (2018, photographer unknown)
a "wormholesque" drawing by mazen kerbaj
Wormholes is an ongoing audiovisual project by Mazen Kerbaj and Sharif Sehnaoui, two artists from the free improvisation scene in Lebanon who have been collaborating since the late 1990s. In 2008, Kerbaj devised a set-up in which he draws live on stage, projecting his painting process onto a screen. He draws on a prepared, illuminated glass panel using a wide array of inks, water, solvents, brushes, sponges, window wipers, and various unidentified objects. His movements turn into textures and figures that are constantly modifying, painted over, reappearing and disappearing, exactly like the sounds emitted by Sehnaoui’s guitar. Nothing is permanent or even fixed; both sound and visual elements are created in real time and are gone forever with the end of the performance.
Originally an acoustic duo, the project has also a heavier and more immersive amplified version, Wormholes Electric, where Sharif Sehnaoui switches to electric guitar and is joined by Lebanese electric bass Tony Elieh.
Mazen Kerbaj operates between paint pots and bottles with various brushes, wipes, and liquids on a pre-prepared illuminated glass surface. Guitarist Sharif Sehnaoui and bass guitarist Tony Elieh build up a powerful wall of minimally-structured sound and the intensity of the drawings is reinforced in a different musical way. In the course of the performance a deeply disturbing requiem is drawn out of abstraction.
[Ruhr Triennale]
Kerbaj‟s “live drawing” isn‟t drawing on a wall before an audience. It involves sitting at table with an overhead camera capturing and live-streaming the work to an onstage screen as it‟s being made. He works with fluids (India ink, water, solvents) exclusively, creating ephemeral pieces that, at their best, fleetingly form and diffuse from the transparent to the opaque.
It could be a visual echo of free improv music, and it‟s no coincidence that Kerbaj‟s adventure with the form began with “Wormholes,” an onstage collaboration with experimental musicians Sharif Sehnaoui and Tony Elieh.
[The Daily Star]
Kerbaj fait appel à son talent d’illustrateur mais également à son inventivité d’improvisateur pour créer une fresque vivante et éphémère, existante entre les bornes d’une temporalité marquée par le rythme rapide des cordes frappées de Sehnaoui.
[Suoni Per Il Popolo]
À la tentative assurée de Kerbaj, de travailler un dessin modal, se confronte le jeu percussif et ininterrompu de Sehnaoui où la guitare joue tant avec les différés de résultat qu'avec la finesse extrême de sonorités polyrythmiques la consacrant ici cymbalum balkanique ou là filtre électronique. Dans leur liquidité radicale et imparable, soumise à raclage, vaporisation, frappe et frottement sévères, le dessin-musique et la musique-peinture livrent leur définition propre et alternative du focus et du relief. Cela vient nous porter à la fois dans le cadre et hors du cadre dans une torsion redoutable et magnifique.
[Bad Neighbour]
Tels deux cordes à un arc, ils se complètent, se renforcent et se relaient. Le premier dessine sur une table de verre, le second joue sur une guitare couchée, chacun usant de nombreux ustensiles. Quand l’un éclabousse sa feuille avec une paille à savon, l’autre tapote son instrument avec une baguette chinoise. Quand l’un gratte sa guitare, l’autre griffe sa planche de dessin. Leur rythme est en accord. L’accord, solide et réversible. [
Esquisses Critiques]
Die drei libanesischen Künstler zeichneten in ihrem Programm Wormholes Electric ein beklemmendes Bild rund um unser aller Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, die Endlichkeit.
Während Mazen Kerbaj am Overheadprojektor mit Tinte, Sprühflaschen mit Lösungsmitteln und Alltagsgegenständen wie Bürsten, Strohhalmen, Milchschäumer und Kreiseln ein düsteres Szenario in Echtzeit-Zeichnungen rund umsinkende Boote und fratzenhafte Geister sowie Totenköpfe entwarf, schufen die beiden Musiker eine improvisierte Klangfläche, die aus repetitiven Klangbausteinen und massiven Bässen bestand. Die Botschaft am Ende der audio-visuellen Performance fasste die unbestreitbare Ausweglosigkeit zusammen: „Wir sind die Toten von morgen.“
[Tiroler Tageszeitung]
The performance was a success as well, with the two musicians in fine form, finding new points of both convergence and divergence, and leading their audience on a haunting, melancholic voyage.